Speuren naar Sporen, Groesbeek

Speuren naar Sporen
Berkstraat 14

Trefwoorden: Erfenisbemiddeling, Advies archeologie, Onderzoek archeologie, Genealogie onderzoek, Stamboomonderzoek, Groesbeek, Gelderland

Rubrieken: Onderzoek- en Adviesbureaus, Genealogen

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Speuren naar Sporen, Groesbeek

Speuren naar Sporen, Groesbeek

Heir research doesn't have to take years or even decades. Test us: We are faster.

We are a team of 67 men and women. The members of this team, including 41 heir researchers, have a combined total of more than 533 years of genealogical experience. Genealogists, businessmen, jurists, historians, teachers, philosophers, artists, journalists, sociologists and publishers work in the team. This diversity ensures synergies that are to your benefit.

"Participants of our meeting in Meissen, taken on July 29, 2011"

We are at home anywhere in the world. Our correspondents work in Denmark, England, France, Greece, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Slovenia, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Paraguay, Poland, the Czech Republic and the USA. We are constantly expanding this network.

Everyone in the team uses modern research and databank capabilities and, as a result, we very often have concrete indications about the presence of the sought after heirs within a period of about three months. If you are a judicial officer or provisional administrator of the estate, we invite you to compare this quality statement with those of other offices in the market. Feel free to ask the judicial officers in the district court.

For further information please visit our website